Would you read our brochure for $126? Deal!

It might seem like a scam, but let us assure you, this is not a prank.
$126 is actually how much LinkedIn is charging us for the privilege of getting you to browse a PDF brochure about our brand-building services.

So we thought, why not skip the middleman and talk directly to you instead?
It might not be ethical to pay people to read a brochure, but then neither is it for a third party to take advantage.
And at least you can treat yourself to something nice after all this.

Read it or don’t, it’s your choice.
But if you do, you will find out what we can do for your brand, and we promise it will be worthwhile.

This might even be the highlight of your week.
Okay, second only to receiving all that cash.
Alright, enough chatter!

Unfortunately, we can’t list all the people who (we think) qualify to receive our brochure (and, of course, the $126 inside).

So, if you want to get your hands on one, get in touch using the form below, and we’ll let you know.